Reptiles and other exotics from the Siegerland

Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei ls-reptiles. Wir sind ein kleines Unternehmen im Siegerland das sich auf den Import/Export, die Zucht und den Handel mit Reptilien spezialisiert hat. Von Schlangen über Warane, Geckos, Schildkröten bis hin zu Kaimanen und anderen Panzerechsen ist bei uns alles vertreten. Viel Spass beim stöbern, ich würde mich freuen von Ihnen zu hören. Ich bemühe mich, die Webseite möglichst aktuell zu halten. Um immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben, folgen Sie uns auf Facebook. New information and articles about animals that have recently arrived come here almost daily.

From hobby to vocation

It all started in 1995 and over the years many species of reptiles and amphibians have been cared for. In 2013 we decided to turn our hobby into a profession. Over the years, we had established worldwide contacts and were therefore able to obtain the animals directly from the countries of origin. We also maintain numerous contacts with private breeders. Over the years, we have specialized in offering, in addition to the normally cared for species, also rather seldom cared for species that are not otherwise available everywhere.

Home breeds

Here come the animals that are in my private breeding. The following page gives you an overview of the animals.


The following animals are the animals for sale from self-breeding, third-party breeding and import.


The location where the animals are kept is in the middle of Siegerland. On an area of ​​approx. 200m2 are about
250 different terrariums and palludariums in which the most diverse animals are kept according to their needs and origins.

Contact me

Lars Schneider
Trupbacher Straße 17
57072 Siegen

VAT-ID: DE290692937

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